May 26, 2009

You are now entering: The Blog Zone

This is my very own, super-duper amazing blog! I am so excited to be able to use this as a way to force all there is to know about me down your throats. But in the nicest, most entertaining way possible.  It's a little weird because it makes me feel like an adult! It seems everyone I know who has a blog is married with the occasional kid, and yet here I am, single Miss Ricks, soon to be jet-setter! 

Which brings me to my next topic, I am going on a study abroad to Prague, Czech Republic for a month! I leave June 4, which is right around the corner, and I am crazy excited! It is so weird to think that in a little over a week, I will be on a plane to Europe, I won't know anyone, anything, or the language.  It is a completely new experience, totally out of my comfort zone and I couldn't welcome it more. 

I will be using this blog to update everyone on my travel experiences and my life experiences beyond this trip.  Life happens oh so fast, and this will help me slow down and take in the scenery.

Peace and Love,
Harley Kat Ricks


Jillbee said...

That's so cool! What a great experience for you to be able to do! How did you get hooked up with that?

KaSs MiLeS said...

crazy!! good luck next week! can't wait to hear about your experiences!

harley kat ricks said...

It's through a local school down here in Arizona, and I chose this one because it was the most affordable, haha! Its gonna be amazing. Btw, can you guys invite me to your blogs? Kassie, I know you already did, but that was through my mom's, haha. my email is